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원코리아 원코리아 스페셜투어 원코리아 메가투어

Tour Schedule


Panmunjom / DMZ Combined Tour


JSA, 3rd Infiltration Tunnel , Dora train station, Dora Observatory .
This is a one day tour at a relatively low price.
1.Departs Tuesday through Friday 8:00am from Panmunjom Travel Center in Koreana Hotel, Sejong-daero. Please note: tours are prohibited on Military training days and National Holidays.
2.Panmunjom and 3rd Infiltration Tunnel etc. This program has been condensed from a two day experience into a one day tour for those who wish to see all the sites, but time is limited. The cost of this tour is very economical in terms of the variety of attractions. Tourist satisfaction is higher than any other tour program.
3.Unique program only provided by Panmunjom Travel Center(PTC). This will be a special opportunity to experience the reality of North Korea and attain a better understanding of the situation. North Korean defector will brief about life in North Korea before visiting the JSA.
For the main experience :
The 3'rd infiltration Tunnel, Dora train station, Dora Observatory , JSA Security force Camp Bonifas in JSA (Peace house, Freedom house, Military Armistice Commission Building ,
Panmungak ) TaesongDong(Freedom village).

Tour Schedule

  • 07:30~08:00 Registration(Koreana Hotel 8th floor Panmunjom Travel Center (PTC) desk)
  • 08:00~09:00 Take Freedom Highway to Imjingak
  • 09:00~12:30 The 3rd Infiltration Tunel, Dorasan Observatory, Dorasan Station
    (Transfer to the shuttle bus to enter the DMZ area)
  • 12:40~13:20Lunch (Bulgogi) and move to Unification Bridge
  • 13:20~13:40Check Passport at Unification Bridge
    Arrive at United Nation Command Security Battalion “Camp Bonifas”
  • 13:45~14:15Receive detailed Slide briefing
  • 14:30~15:00 Take military bus to Joint Security Area, Freedom House Military Armistice Commission Building
  • 15:30~16:30 Arrival at Koreana Hotel in Seoul

Tour Application

Panmunjom Travel Center Address: 8F ,Koreana Hotel(Office B/D), 135, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul
- Telephone : 02 - 771 - 5593 ~ 5 / Fax : 02 - 771 - 5596
- E-mail :ptcjsa@gmail.com, jsa33@korea.com
- Means of Transportation: (by Subway) Gwanhwamun St(Line.5 #533) Exit 6 (refer to the following direction)

Tour Fee

Tour Fee : 140,000won

Payment Method : Cash or Credit Card

1. Accepted currencies for Cash are KRW, USD and YEN only.
2. Cash amount for USD, YEN will be changed depending on daily exchange

Reservation Rules

  • 1 According to the UNC rules the roster of the tourists to Panmunjum should be reported 48 hours (2 days) prior to the tour briefing time (13:45) in the camp Bonifas on the tour day. So person who is interested in this tour should send your name, passport number and nationality to us at least 3 days before.
  • 2 Overseas resident Korean :
    Tourists should scan their Overseas resident registration issued by Korean Embassy and attach it in an e-mail along with their passport number and name at least 2 weeks prior to the tour day.
  • 3 The following countries are required to have a Background Check from the UNC for this tour. Please scan your passport files and attach it in an email (at least 4 days prior to tour day)Our email address is as follows: jsa33@korea.com
Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian authority, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen
Tour Rules
1.Tourists must bring passport on tour day
2.Clothing Regulations: No worn or faded jeans, exercise clothes, sleeveless shirts, miniskirts, knee trousers, sandals and slippers, round neck t shirt
3.Children under 11 years old are not allowed on the tours
4.Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited
5.The cameras with over 90mm zomming lens are not allowed.
6.Panmunjom tours may be canceled at any moment during the day of the tour if a particular situation arises in JSA
7.If a tour is cancelled mid-tour due to unavoidable circumstances in the DMZ no refund will be given