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The Bridge of No Return

판문점 공동경비구역


Paumunjom(Joint Security Area)
Among the people of the world, Koreans especially appreciate freedom and peace because of the civil war that seperated them and the divided country in which they now live. Koreans eagerly long for a peaceful unification
Bridge of No Return’ is astride the Military Demarcation Line. After the 1953’s Armistice, on this bridge there was an exchange of prisoners of war. The name of this particular bridge was derived from the fact that the prisoners of war voluntarily in favor of choosing North Korea, since the event of POW exchange following the armistice became in effect, were unable to return to South Korea.
  • 전망대에서 바라본 북녁산하
    North Korea landscape viewed from the observatory
    돌아오지 않는 다리의 전경
    The bridge of No return
  • 도끼만행사건의 현장
    The scene of ax-brutality case
    도끼만행사건 이전의 돌아오지 않는 다리
    The bridge of No return before ax-brutality case