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Tour Schedule



제목 New itinarary for DMZ tour in 2008
작성자 관리자 등록일 2011.04.08 조회수 20247
Happy new year, everybody!

In 2008, a newly arranged time table for JSA would come to you like this.

0810 - 0850 : Registration
0850 - 0950 : Departing at hotel lotte
0950 - 1020 : Arriving to United Nations Command
1030 - 1210 : JSA tour
1230 - 1250 : Imjingak tour
1300 - 1400 : Lunch
1410 - 1510 : Return to hotel lotte

JSA tour is based on schedule provided by UN.
Please take a careful look when booking with PTC.
Thank you very much for your attention.