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Tour Schedule



제목 James D. Thurman & Sunyub-Beck visited JSA on 27th for The 58th Anniversary of Truce Agreement
작성자 관리자 등록일 2011.07.29 조회수 16489


LEFT - Sunyub-Lee (The Ex-Commander of Military Army of South Korea
RIGHT - James D. Thurman (The USFK Commander)
Photo by Yunhap News




Last Thursday, 27th,

The USFK(United States Force Korea) Commander, James D. Thurman

and The Ex-Commander of Military Army Sunyub-Beck(who made a contribution on Korean War)

visited JSA for The 58th Anniversary of Truce Agreement together.



(Translated by TheelasTrue K. - kapir@theelastrue.com)