Thank you very much for touring with us, PTC (Panmunjom Travel Center). The policy for 45 countries, not allowed to tour to JSA, has just changed. If anybody wants a tour to JSA from these countries, please SCAN your Passport Photos attached and send us by email, at least A WEEK prior. Our email address is as follows : jsa33@korea.com TE: : 82-2-771-5593~5
Once your passport approved by UNC, you can join our tour to JSA.
< Restricted Countries >
A Albania Afghanistan Algeria Azerbaijan
B Bangladesh Bahrain Belarus
C China Cuba
E Egypt Estonia
G Georgia
H Hong Kong
I Iran Iraq India Indonesia
J Jordan
K Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan
L Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania
M Malaysia Morocco Moldova
N Nigeria North Korea
O Oman
P Pakistan
Q Qatar
R Russia
S Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria
T Taiwan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Tunisia
U Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan
V Vietnam
Y Yemen
Thank you.