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제목 S. Korea seeks rare talks with North to ease military tensions
작성자 관리자 등록일 2017.07.20 조회수 16822

S. Korea seeks rare talks with North to ease military tensions

By  For Citizen Digital


Talks between North and South Korea are rare, and usually take place at Panmunjom, a ...
Talks between North and South Korea are rare, and usually take place at Panmunjom, a truce village on the heavily fortified frontier that separates the two countries, where solders from both sides face off

South Korea on Monday offered to hold rare military talks with the North, aiming to ease tensions after Pyongyang tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile.

The offer of talks, the first since South Korea elected dovish President Moon Jae-In, came as the Red Cross in Seoul proposed a separate meeting to discuss reunions of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War.

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