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Tour Schedule



제목 New Departure time of 2011
작성자 관리자 등록일 2011.04.08 조회수 13263
We are really thankful for your support.

The Panmunjom tour running from 8:50a.m. to 2:50p.m. by 2011, New Year.

08:20~08:50 : Registration
08:50~10:00 : Take "Freedom Highway" to North
10:00~10:30 : Arrive at Camp "Bonifas" to transfer Bus
10:30~11:00 : ID Check and Slide show and briefing at Camp "Bonifas"
11:00~12:30 : Tour of JSA(conference room, the 3’rd check Point, freedom house, No Return Bridge)
12:30~12:50 : Arrive at Imjingak Park
12:50~13:50 : Lunch
13:50~14:50 : Arrival at Lotte Hotel in Seoul

We hope this year will be a wonderful year for you!

See you soon!

Thank you.